GEKKO is currently implementing its Youth Development Program (led by Anna Sennelius). Through partnerships with other education-focused centers, GEKKO aims to provide online education support to the students using the learning centers. In a world where everything is moving online, it is crucial that the students are prepared on the greater and proper use of information technology; they learn how to work with online resources in order to beef up their knowledge and support their education.
Online Education Support (Tutorials)

Regardless of their circumstances, every child deserves the opportunity to learn and develop. English is an international language and as Indonesia’s economy deepen its strong global, basic English would be a big plus to pursue careers and obtain jobs (even those in the production floor).
Led by Kyle Zachary Lee, the Inspire Hope Youth Learning Initiative aims to aid in the education of underprivileged students. The Initiative has collaborations with professionals and reputable institutions such as EGK (English Goes to Kampung), HLC (Hope Learning Center). Although Kyle has started weekly classes at refugee camps and in Sumba, efforts in developing English tutorial classes (through the learning centers) for children in the GK communities are underway.
English Language Lessons

Anna Sennelius’ passion for soccer led her, together with Katie Sondakh, to launch the Mini Soccer Tournament. The children in the communities also love to play soccer, but they don’t have the same opportunities that kids in international and private schools do have. They do not have a proper soccer field or even a proper ball. The mini soccer tournaments were created for the community kids to play together with youth soccer players from an Indonesian private school.
GEKKO believes that developing the kids and youths’ passion for sports and talent (for those who do have) would develop their personalities and values that would keep them focused on aiming for a college degree, a better future. Sports can help keep them away from the streets and from turning into thugs, drug dealers, members of gangs. One way to break the cycle of poverty. Not only that, but sports also develop skills such as teamwork, good sportsmanship/competitiveness, focus and determination.

GEKKO (led by Darron Lembong) is working on the development of “The AI initiative for English”. The initiative is a software-based solution that aims to teach the kids in the communities English by measuring their current level of knowledge and giving them appropriate practice lessons to improve. As the world continues to develop, English is also becoming more and more important for communication with others. Teaching the kids early on would give them more opportunities later on.
AI Program for English for Kids